I suffer-I care; Now It’s You. This simple line has a million dollar meaning. When a person suffers a pain, he faces a tragedy, and then it is his/her experience that guides others not to avoid the bitter lessons. With this concept a patient-centric civil society organisation was conceptualised by Dr Bishnupriya Sahoo and two liver patients Ms. Sabita Mohapatra and Ms. Heena Sabharwal on the auspicious day of 2nd October 2016. Mrs Sabita was one of the luckiest to recover completely from this chronic disease of cirrhosis and Ms Heena had a genetic liver disease, who got a second life with organ donation from cadaver. Both set example for the society to send a message what is our theme line.
The main catalyst was the experience of Barcelona, where the liver patients had a voice under European Liver Patient Association (ELPA). These Societies offer financial support to fellow patients, ‘adoption’ of a patient by another patient who is capable enough etc. They often support medical research; and, also at present they are a major advocate before governments in health policy formulation.